Gasifier is a device that converts biomass to ‘Producer Gas’ Which is a mixture of different combustible gases like Hydrogen (H2), Carbon monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4)
A Biomass Gasifier Converts solid Biomass such as Wood, Wood Waste, Briquettes of Sawdust and agro-based residues into a combustible fuel through a thermo chemical process. The Gasification process involves the burning of Biomass in the presence of reduced air( i.e. limited supply of air).
The efficiency of converting from Biomass to Producer Gas is about 85% , however, the overall thermal efficiency of the system depends on factors such as burner efficiency, heat transfer efficiency etc. The combustible gas is referred to as producer gas.
Dryers – Drying applications in farm products, food, and spices industry (such as areca nut, tea, coffee, tobacco, large cardamom, among others), rubber, and chemical products (temperature requirement: 60-130 degree C) |
Kilns - Baking of tiles, pottery, plaster of Paris, and lime (temperature requirement: 700-1000 degree C) |
Furnaces - For metals and alloys such as copper, aluminium, lead, and stainless steel, and scrap melting/ recycling (temperature requirement: 650-1100 degree C) |
Process heat - Process industries requiring low-pressure steam such as large scale cooking, textiles, tyre rethreading, and food processing units such as bakeries and namkin making units |
Water boilers - Institutional cooking, silk cocoon cooking, fabric dying, areca nut boiling, food processing, chemical products, and similar industries |
For Aluminium billet heating for extrusion
Saves 30 – 70 % of fuel cost compared to tradition wood fired furnaces and fossil fuel ovens |
Payback on investment varies from 9 months to 24 months depending on the type of fuel used earlier |
Reduced in Co2 emission for the same heat out put |
It is very easy to operate & start quickly |
High Combustion efficiency & high output rate |
Consistent rate of combustion |
Uniform temperature throughout the furnace volume |
It is sturdy in construction and reliable in operation |
It can be used to dry agricultural / Industrial & food products even in rainy seasons |
It is very economical compared to LPG |
Typical Composition of
producer gas(%)
Carbon monoxide (CO) |
20-22 |
Hydrogen (H2) |
15-20 |
Methane (CH4) |
2 - 3 |
Carbon dioxide (CO2) |
9 -11 |
Nitrogen (N2) |
45-54 |
Water vapor (H2O) |
10-15 |
Heavy hydrocarbon |
0.2-0.4 |
Wood is renewable energy source what that means ?
Solar Power from Sun, Wind power & wood energy are renewable resources, meaning they can be used for ever without depleting the earth. Using renewable energy is like living off the interest earned by the earth’s assets, and never touching its savings. |
In contrast, fossil fuels like oil, gas & coal are not renewable and their consumption is the leading cause of global warming. Burning fossil fuel sends carbon dioxide, the main green house gas, on a one way trip. It pumps million-year-old carbon from inside the earth into the atmosphere, where the concentration of carbon dioxide is increasing. Burning oil, gas & coal is like spending the earth’s savings, & scientists say it is changing the global climate. Wood fuel is different. As trees grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the air in a process powered by the sun indeed, about half the weight of dry wood is this absorbed carbon. A tree destroyed in the forest fire or one that falls and decays in the forest gives up its carbon once again to the air as carbon dioxide. So continues the earth's carbon/carbon dioxide cycle.
When trees are used for energy, a part of the forest's annual growth is diverted from the natural decay and forest fire cycle into our homes to heat them. Both natural firewood and wood pellets — made by compressing waste sawdust — are energy products from the forest. Well-managed forests can be a renewable, sustainable source of energy that helps us reduce greenhouse gas emissions by displacing the use of oil, gas and coal.
PHOENIX PRODUCTS D- 87, Industrial Estate, Near KPTCL Sub Station Udyambag, Belgaum - 590 008
KARNATAKA - INDIA. Ph. No. 0831-2440700 |
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